This site's sole purpose is to protect web designers from graphic thieves, and people who *misunderstand* or *misinterpret* each member's terms of use. Each member's site will be guarded by our task force, a group of dedicated web surfers who get to know every member's work by surfing the webring, and notifying the webmaster of anyone who is claiming out members graphics as their own.

This Task Force was born out of necessity. It all began with one site, and one person who *collected* graphics and gave no one credit. She claimed *they were not all hers* and placed some banners on an *acknowledgement* page. She claimed some sites were no longer *existant* and only linked a few banners to their correct urls.

This caused a small uproar in the web design community, and WE decided to do something about it. One member of this Force searched the entire web for the correct URLs and notified everyone who was involved of this womans site. She also notified everyone in her guestbook, as well as this persons web site Host, HOMESTEAD.COM, and thus, the infamous OMEGAWOMAN's site was removed from the web.

In order to protect our Task Force Volunteers, all identities have been hidden from the public, but those who have joined us know who we are. But we will tell you this, we are mothers, fathers, friends, grandmothers. We are web designers and graphic artists. We are creators, originals, and we are TIRED.

We will not have our work stolen, added to unapproved collections, etc.

We will enforce out terms of use, so wherever you see our *eye*, be warned.... someone is watching, and those graphics are protected. Anyone caught stealing, linking directly to our graphics, or simply not giving the proper credit will be placed on our HALL OF SHAME.

If you have seen your graphics on anyone's page and they are claiming to have created them, please go to the FILE A CLAIM link. You do not need to be a member to have us do something about it. We will investigate, we will take action, and we will get results. Please note we are NOT attorneys, if you are seeking leal advise please look in the yellow pages.

I am known as AlPHA EYE and you do *NOT* want to be on my bad side.

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Don't even think about stealing my graphics.