Case#1 Omega Woman
Sumbitted by COS

We discovered OMEGA Woman had created a Graphics Site for herself on homestead, and filled it with everyone's work. She organized them nicely by styles, themes etc, and them offered them for download. Did this act make people mad? OH NOOOOOOOO it nerly had her shot I think! The good thing about this case is that all designers pulled together, putting differences aside, and standing up for what was right! Everyone knows this story so I will save the space and not tell it, as it is over!

RESULT: Omega Woman removed her site from Homestead before they closed her account.

CREDITS: COS members who got the word out and pulled together to let everyone know who the worked belonged to. Thanks to Mystic for hunting everyone down and letting them know what was going on. Some already knew, but seeing everyone on the same letter got them moving and writing to Homestead.


Case #2 Spitz Web Design
Submitted by Omega Eye

Well now this is the kind of case that truly makes my blood boil. For this person, Ms. Spitz tro think she will not get any heat, or will get away with it it's ridiculous! She is being accused of stealing LILAC SPRING'S WEB DESIGN'S LAYOUT, (this means buttons and organization) as well as pages.

Now when I met Mystic I instantly knew why they called her typo queen, but this time I found something on her site that was not a typo but ratherin the wrong language! She had created a *portfolio* section where she had all of her clients, but called it PORTAFOLIO, which is the SPANISH word for it! She is Hispanic so she can get away with it, and many people don't notice, like Ms. Spitz, who is as American as Apple Pie!

Here is Mystic's Button:

and here is Spitz Button

BUT you might say...they look nothing alike! And you are right my friend! What this thief did was she stole the layout! She placed all of her buttons the EXACT SAME WAY mystic had done on her site...AND if that wasn't enough she even stole Mystic's Websets page and used it on her site.

You be the judge!

View Mystic's Page     

View the Spitz the Thief's Page.

The sad thing is that this Spitz person is someone Mystic used to know, and they seemed to have times this release of this site to ruin Mystic's Birthday which was 8-20 the dya she sent this in, but the good news is.... MYSTIC HAD AN AWESOME BIRTHDAY!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FRIEND!! How sad it is to see that people have to stoop this low but some of us have lives outside the net and can disconnect when we hit thath power switch, had she asked Mystic would have given her the html like she does with many of us (including this site's html..*thanks*), but to steal out of spite? Well, shame on YOU Ms. SPITZ (aka Lady Viridian, aka, sprite Treasure, aka Lady Gueneviere, aka Quilt of Friendship, and whatever else they have you doing now that Mystic isn't there.)




Case #3 Fantasy Fights
Submitted by Zeta Eye

Now this is an old one, since Fantasy Fights has been around for 2 years. This new eye joined today and made this report her first mission. I will not make this site about site competition rip offs, but due to the above event I will allow this one.

Webmistress Fantasy loves is being accused of *ripping* off her entire competition's theme from a team on the Site Fights called The Fantasy Fighters. She claims her competition is an original, and gets very angry when a new competition emerges, specially those dealing with *camelot* and *wicca*..hum could it be because she was the original rip off? and is afraid someone will do the same??

Well, come to find out when we went looking for this SITE FIGHTS Banner that they residegned it a bit, since the Fantasy Fights ne looked a bit TOO FAMILIAR.

You be the judge!




Where we understand it is hard to be 100% original, some people have been given a special gift of being thev pioneers...and we will defend them. If you find something you like on a site, or anywhere, you will never loose anything by asking the author, creator or webmaster if they would help, or point you to a direction where you could learn to do what they do.

NEVER STEAL html, graphics, or ideas. If you do you will find yourself here. If you would like to have your work protected, please join our webring and we will keep an eye of your work.


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Don't even think about stealing my graphics.